I had the greatest conversation with an old high school friend last
night…as much as we are with ourselves, it often takes reaching out to others
to be able to learn (or verify) what is going on. I‘m the first to admit that
my perception is often skewed. Thanks,
Sweet Rachel…. My last morning to sleep
in..and I did til 8:30. Then the game of
“are they up yet" began. The deep dark
secret is that I think clothes are stupid and I do run around naked, but I
always have a robe nearby. The trick is to get coffee without having to put the robe on.
Fortunately, the kids were both up til quite late/earl.y and slept through the whole thing...NOT that I have anything the kids haven’t
seen…because I do think this whole thing of sheltering them from nudity is
ridiculous in this country. Holy hell, ‘Merika,
don’t go into a European spa..you might see naked people (btw, naked doesn’t
always mean sexualized).
So the coffee is consumed, the children still slumber..I had
the privilege of getting to speak with another
high school friend, Mr. Tim Walker.
That was awesome. It was like English
class all over again. Haven’t heard his
voice in <gulp> decades. It helps
me a great deal knowing there are people I can turn to. It also helps me knowing there are people who
believe in me…. We all need that.
After, I took the kids to their dad’s…there is a possibility
he may be sleeping on our couch for a while.
Relationships are tough.
Class was short, but there is a great deal of work to be
done. I am bringing Lizzie in tomorrow
to the VW shop here in town and we will hopefully get her all fixed up. I learned my lesson. <smile>
Pictures: The kids assisting me in helping me get wrinkles out of my pants with Downy Wrinkle Release; Travel agency booklet. EXCITED! First "real" vacation with kids in 6 years, but really, we have so many adventures that I consider them all vacations. I think vacation is a state of mind...
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