After an extraordinarily long day, naturally I lost my
again before going to
I searched unsuccessfully through the
house, then had to put my robe on, go outside and look in the car where fortunately
I found it.
My body melted into
This morning my glasses had fallen
off the nightstand – had to look for them – and then I hear the trash truck coming.
Forgot to do that last night. If this wasn’t a Friday, I would cry.

As I left for the W-place (work), I saw something that made
my morning.
My trash had been taken out
by my trash collector and emptied!
He is
one hell of a cool guy and one day, I’m gonna be out there at 5:50ish with a
cup of coffee and a smile.
He leaves me
a Christmas card every year and I do the same, plus Starbucks gift cards, but I'd like to meet him.

One class involved watching the latest Jack Ryan movie which
was set in Russia.
Long ago, when
clearing out the attic in the house I grew up in, I found Russian language
My mom told me I had been trying to
learn Russian while at TCU.
I don’t
remember anything about that.
It’d be
interesting to learn about other things I’ve forgotten, but gracefully, my
brain says ”Best not, sugar…”.
The day involved a rally to say farewell to the senior class and during a skit, students held up their cell phones like lighters. Much safer than flames, for sure. It was fun to watch.
I headed to get medication which should have been ready 2
days ago, but WalMart lost the prescription.
I am finished with their cattle-drive methods. I drove to my doctor’s office and asked them
to transfer the Rx to Walgreens. Then I
headed to my bank for some Very Important deposits. As I was standing there, filling out a
deposit slip (first time ever, I usually go up to the counter), I was whispering
about where checks should go. A man had
come up behind me, moved to the other side of the deposit area, started his own stuff and began responding to my whispers with his own whispers. It went something like this:
Me: I wonder how I should do this? Do I put both in there?
Man: I don’t know! Is that really what you should do?
<smile> Me: Yes! I think so!
I’ve been thinking this through!
Man; Well, make sure you put them
in the right place!
Me: I will!
I’ve weighed other options and this appears to be the best one!

Then I saw him.
A tall, handsome man with smiling eyes and a
rad new Cartman pants, nice work boots and a kickass tribal tattoo on one arm,
and yes…no wedding band.
I stood behind
him and molested him with my eyes several times over while trying to look
rather cool and "with-it".
He finished his
work with the banker, smiled at me, said bye to me (and I responded with a
smile and a bye), then he saw a friend and spoke with him for a while I was at the
counter for a long transaction.
WHY didn’t
I say, “Hi!
My name is Ali!
You and I are
moving to Europe soon.”
didn’t I jump into his arms? His name was Tom.
The bankers knew him.
WHY didn’t
I say, “WHO was that hunk of manly perfection???”
I suck at flirting.
An hour after falling in love, my heart was
still pounding like mad.
<such a
hopeless romantic> HOW do you people do this flirting thing???
Signed, Single and Celibate Forever

My brief <one-sided) love affair
gave me the oomph I needed for the rest of the day.
I treated myself to fancy fair-trade organic dark
chocolate and headed to job 2.
When my
client showed up, The session went fairly well – wrote out another treatment
plan (which at this point is like extracting teeth with a pair of pliers…I’m
not at all versed with the professional vocabulary yet –however Universe jumped in at the
last moments and gave me exactly the words I needed to say, which made me sound
like I
really know what I’m doing.
I was sad to see Tom From The Bank was not waiting for me
anywhere after I left job 2, and came
home. I was going to clean or do something, but I am exhausted.
In bed and going to watch the rest of the Jack
Ryan movie from earlier.
I loved reading
Tom Clancy as a kid…. My dogs hate me, but I'm exhausted.
Pictures: An incredibel braille book made by a student in my Sabol's class. I was BLOWN AWAY by the student and Sabol's heart; I beat him again at Farkle (I supported my points with smiley-faces to give them the will to win; Lavender; Year-book singing by my sweet Stephanie: An old client sent me thsi letter saying he could get research done by a reporter, but that he is familiar with my quality of work and I am his preferred researcher based on past performance. Made my heart smile: The cell phone sway....
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