Boy gone, girl at home.
Once she was set, I started cleaning.
This house is on my last nerve and I am in a Pitch It mood. Does it serve me? Nope?
Gone. Garage sale (ugh) or
trash. Simple. Laundry - my death, got going. And that was
my day, for the most part.
So damn exhausted, but I needed to get things going. Emailed Rick at Dolphin about yesterday. Still
need to write Jeff about a few unexpected costs. It’s ok, be calm, breath. I headed to my hair appointment. Seeing Nicole always sets my mind at ease. While
she prepared, I sat, listening to conversation at a hair salon: "well, I
predicted a few years ago that this country is headed towards a civil war.” Hmmm.
Nice. I am hearing and seeing a
lot more of this around here. It’s kinda
scary. Nothing is as disquieting as a
nation on edge. Got my hair cut – trimmed a lot off of what I destroyed with the
mask this weekend. It feels short, but
it looks great and really…I’m fine as I am.
Not even wearing much makeup anymore.
Rick had left a message with Jim about trying to get a
lesson in Thursday. I spoke to Jim (ex
Navy, ex Police Officer) who bought a houseboat for a staging area and he has a
Zodiac raft. We talked for quite a while
and decided to do lessons on Friday, which means that I’ll miss the first night
at Hips fest. C’est la vie. Lids would
be given free rental and Rick had told him I could dive, too, so I could
practice. SWEET! I was sad about missing Hips, but them’s the breaks. This was a priority. Just as I was at peace about it, Jim called
back and said Thursday would be better due to the people driving around like idiots
on their boats, despite the “no wake zone.”
YES! Universe is a Hips fan!
Pictures: No new pics - How I started my Day in Public: shirt on inside-out and backwards; Christmas in June in Maggie's room (remember the tree on yesterday's picture? I sense a theme....
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