I couldn’t move. Exhausted
and feeling so guilty about that. I have
a list of To-Dos a mile long…and yet.
Here I sit. In front of the Mac. Looking at Dust Up announcements. I can’t do that…I’m still exhausted from High
Sierra. But…there are those faces of my
Music family. Reservations at the little
motel…made. Gotta..gotta..get. Headed to go pay credit cards and phone
bills. I also brought my old iPhone with
to switch it over to Ethan’s number since his went for a little swim in Costa
Rica and doesn’t work anymore, even with a rice bath.
Bought some protein powder and probiotics. Next step is signing up at the gym. Then headed to Shilla Sushi for some terrific
sushi that wasn’t doused in all sorts of delicious, but fattening
toppings. This place is 5 minutes
away! Had I realized that, I would’ve
started going sooner. I noticed, with
amusement as I read my DBT book that the cheating site, AshleyMadison, has been
hacked and that hackers are threatening to realize the names of the 37 MILLION subscribers. Ha!
Tell me this country doesn’t need more marriage therapists. That’s disgusting.
Work begins again tomorrow.
It’ll be nice to get back into routine since I don’t seem to be able to accomplish
much. I got Dust Up tickets. MH is on
fire lately. And, if all goes according
to plan, I won’t be here for Dust Up III.
I think…I think…I shall watch a
Pictures <from CR>: Bat neighbors <love>; A creative way to use old tires; And, of course, nachos at Coco's
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