Late last night, I was desperately trying to rub lotion into
my burned, dry back when I noticed what I’ve dreaded seeing – a very dark
My heart sunk as my hand struggled
to reach it – it was centered between my shoulder blades– then as I did reach
the mole, dark Coast Rican chocolate suddenly spread all over my back.
Skin cancer versus 77% cacao.
I choose chocolate.
So that’s how my night ended, how it began
was quite different:
Mabi experienced,
let’s say “loose bowels” in her crate, so first thing this morning, I’m out in the
back yard, naked as a jay bird, happily washing out a dog crate and soiled
sheets with the hose.
Happy because it
is rad to be naked in your yard.
Scared to
think what’s gonna happen in the home I live in in a few decades (right, Jen
& Jenni ??)

I had group supervision at noon, today, so after cleaning,
washing the dog, et cetera, I made a call to the Swiss consulate in San
Francisco and spoke with Viktoria, who told me to go ahead and send in the documents
I have and to write a not about the ones I cannot get, they will send it to
Switzerland, who will then decide.
I was so thrilled to have reached this point. .
I texted L that I needed his
birth certificate, which he had recently received from L.A. and then headed off
to supervision.
On the way there, I
heard 99 Red Balloons, the English version of Nena’s song.
reminds me of Zurich almost more than any other song
as we listened to it all the time when we were there, at Tanti’s apartment,
playing a version of Quarters, only with Swiss chocolate with Priska, my aunt’s
neighbor, who was my age – I was 12.
Universe telling me something?
think so.
“Everlong” came on next…of
course it did.

Group supervision was terrific, MRT group was interesting and then,
during my quick break before my next client, I raced home to eat some homemade
As I was there, L came by to drop
off his birth certificate.
I asked if he
was doing ok with what this meant (hopefully moving to Europe) and mentioned what
an opportunity this would be for the kids… “I know” he said.
He really is a good guy.
Back to work and my next client appeared – I am grateful to
be out of my teen years when nothing was possibly my fault. Immediately following this was Parent Project. Wednesdays are my busy days, but such amazing
individuals. After group, We headed to
grab a bite to eat and then headed to Jen’s house, since the restaurant was
closing (at 8:30. Hello, “Rural”).
Which is where Cards Against Humanity was brought out; First
time for me and Jenni and ohhhhh, myyy.
My kinda game. I’m grateful I followed
my intuition and told Maggie I’m not sure the game was appropriate for her
about 6 months ago when she asked if I wanted to play it on one of those
restaurant table video games. WOW. Lots
of fun and lots of stories from ago were passed around. At home, I noticed my beads had arrived…my
writs feels dressed again. A good day ,
to be sure and I’m convinced the 2 cups of coffee I had this morning were a
huge factor. <smile>
Pictures: The envelope containing an awaited document; Gorgeous sky tonight after group; Cards Against Humanity; My new mala beads - sandalwood <3
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