Today happened.
alarm went off <though my mind had been spinning thinking of all the “haftas”
for the next few days> and suddenly it was Day One of school. The kids both
had alarms set, so I did my own thing and relaxed, enjoyed my liquid heaven and
dressed in gym clothes.
Yesterday was my
day off and body recovery day, but today I was going back and I was looking
forward to it.
6:00 -
no noise, 6:15, 6:30, nothing.
At 6:30 I went in to Ethan and
told him what time it was and asked if he’s
set the alarm – “yes” he grumbled, sleepily.
At 6:50, I went in:
“It is 6:50…I
thought you..”
My alarm was set for 6:10!!”
And in the shower he scampered.
Maggie was up – even though her alarm was set
later, but she’d taken care of everything last night in order to give herself
those precious moments.
I dropped them
off at school at the new “Upper Campus” and off I headed to the gym.

hard on MMA – ever-increasing the modes as my body strengthens, listening to
old Metallica for motivation.
I don’t
quite know what to say – I work my ass off…and I am seeing a huge difference in
my shape.
The boobs are shrinking…as I like
to point out to my friends, there is no more muffin-topping, the food baby is
dying quickly, the quads are strengthening, and my blood tingles with
knew this was what would happen, just couldn’t get over that
All my life I have known I could
be so much better to my body, yet I was never willing.
This is the year I will do it as I made a
huge discovery this morning.
I have a
crush on myself.
There is no crush on a
Him, real or imaginary (sorry, my Sweet Dave Grohl – you will always be my
true fake husband) and now I think
honoring my crush by getting myself in the shape I’ve always dreamed of is

And as soon as I finished the work-out
I realized…I locked my keys in the car…again.
Second time in a week.
Fortunately, the gym isn’t that far from
home, so I walked…met a nice man who had taken a bus up and had his beer in the
paper bag (to give him energy!).
I remember when beer was my solution, too.
It was really such a nice walk, too.
A perfect “stop and smell the roses”
I showered at home, got dressed, <wow,
clothes are fitting nicer>, grabbed the dogs (I figured a dog walk was a
perfect benefit) and headed back down.
This time, Elliott was there – standing, shirtless, in his usual spot by
Elliot was, according to
local law enforcement, a successful concert violinist in New York City and then
one day, he snapped.
Now, he is
homeless, but a well-known fixture in this town.
I’ve never spoken to him, but today, I did
and I’m glad.
Mags called - left her lunchin the car, so i dropped that off. Late for group and a huge truck is blocking entry, so i 4-whelled it and got in, anyway. Today's supervision was a goodbye to one of the therapists and what a cool lady
she is. I’m glad I caught the tail end of her at the non-profit, but man! What
a lady – she plays bass!
This reminds
me I need to get started on my guitar lessons so I can complete my VW hippie
bus-driving, Birkenstock-wearing persona.

Picked up Boy (Girl had volleyball) .
The kid is not thrilled about school.
Day one and he’s already over it.
I kinda get it….
For example, last year he said 8
graders got first choice with stuff, this year it’s a new program with drawing
out of a hat for “fairness”.
This kid
seems to draw the short end of the stick 9 out of 10 times.
His classes never won a contest, never had a
pizza party for winning something, his Immersion trips <the cool thing about
this school> haven’t lived up to the hype (he shared stories about one of
them and
what the chaperone did and I
wanted to cry).
I’m the empathetic listener
and then point out silver lining stuff for my little Eeyore.
It is surely adding to his character.
back to group where I found a HEADLESS DOLL ON MY DESK!!!
This is THE sign of acceptance, that I fit in
with my work tribe and I love it.
I need
to get my CV rewritten and turn it in to apply for a job as my trainee-ship
(??) will soon be over and then I need a job.
Late group and a treat of posole then home to my sweet
children. I miss days together already
and now, Mags is busy with volleyball already, Ethan not so much busy with
anything but school work shall soon begin and I look forward to time studying
together. I still have my case study and
Capstone to write, so he shan’t be alone.
Pictures: My 7th and 8th graders...wow; Post work-out face; The bridge to home; This truck couldn't keep me away; Posole, homemade...SO good!!
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