Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 22, 2015

Another not-super-fantastic night of sleep again.  I wonder why I keep waking up multiple times through the night?  On the way to school I mentioned a tradition in Europe (Austria and Switzerland that I know of) where cows are brought down from the mountains for the winter.  They are decorated with lovely wreaths of flowers and their big beautiful bells.  Ethan and Mags smiled at this.  So many wonderful traditions which have been going on for hundreds for years.  I also mentioned my friend Elena at work who moved to Chile when she was 15 with no experience with Spanish – how difficult she said it was, but she wouldn’t trade it for the world. Seed planted.  By the time I got the kids to school and was at work, I was already prepared to go to bed.  Today was the day my old client would become my newest client again, so I was looking forward to that and supervision is always grand.  I still thank my lucky stars to have my supervisor.  We talked about various cases and then…it was time to get to work.

Except there was only paper work to do and much of this wasn’t even necessary as I had much of it prepped beforehand, however I thought it best to work on my Capstone here rather than at home where I would get distracted.  I mean, that can’t happen here at work, right??  It wasn’t long before I couldn’t see anything, I was that tired.  I needed to get home for a quick lay down and reboot of the personal sort.  I am really one of those people who cannot function well if I don’t “x” hours of sleep.  I came home to a n email from my AirBnB in Zurich that she had to cancel my booking due to unexpected surgery and she would need the flat, soooo….Humph.  I wrote Tamara, but not before I saw the dates I had booked were the ones booked for the hotel.  How did I do this???  See how Universe is watching out for me?  Tamara wrote me back as I rested and when I got up (after not falling asleep) I made a request.  We will see how it goes.

My client.  While it was good to see the child again – great in fact, it was also heartbreaking as tears were brimming due to a deal with a teacher for a skeleton key that would not be realized.  There is so little in this child’s lifer and now the life has been disrupted even more with so many big changes.  I have learned about many things which need to take place immediately.  This child needed services 11 years ago so I will be doing a lot of case managing.  I am honored.  

No time to go home before Parent Project so I worked on paperwork and then headed to Safeway for 2 salads, sans dressing (yuk).  I think Jake has forsaken me – he never responded when I sent him available time for a workout, but I’m still coughing and tiring easily.  The group went well, I think Jen and I have it set up well, I just wish I had her stories (or memory, for starters).  Horrific stories.  Life can certainly be brutal.

I headed home, to my kids.  Girl was already asleep and boy was doing homework.  There had been internet problems but he managed to get other stuff done.  The trick is to teach him to stay caught up.  He is growing…so quickly.  His voice, ever deeper…he seems taller.  She is such a young lady already – so mature.  My goodness, I love these two more than I can describe.

Pictures:  Writing my prog note; CH ~ "ALMOST"

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