Saturday, September 26, 2015

September 26, 2015

I slept with dreams that made me nervous, and just as I was reaching a point of solutions, I woke up. WHY  does that happen every time?  It was a warm night, even with the window open and the fan blowing luke-warm air on me.  It sure is a hot fall.  

Hot coffee doesn’t make the situation better.  Yet Saturday mornings inspire me and I am usually filled with such motivation.  Today was no different.  I was intent on finishing up my Capstone revision, Attempt the Second, and sending it in.  I am hoping there is no Attempt the Third.  Unfortunately, my attention was taking a break today and was nowhere to be found.  I opened my mail and found Marco’s acceptance.  Until he cancels our reservation, we have an AirBnB spot in Zurich for the first 5 days of our trip.  Ethan and I had a talk this morning about Switzerland.  He is still thinking we are going, and my god, I hope that to be true.  But I won’t lie, I am seeing my dreams crumbling, or at least being put on hold, because I have to make sure he finds success.

Around 3 ish, I I got word that Chris was coming over to deliver stuff. In order to get said stuff, however, I needed to have money, so I headed to the ATM and also picked up a poster board to make him a wizard’s hat (I promised him one a couple of months ago).  Chris is a little bit of a magic man when it comes to computers  It would almost seem like any talent I could have with computers was sucked away, doubled, then doubled again and given to Chris, so a few weeks ago when my computer started to act up, I told it if it didn’t shape up I would text Chris and did.  It started acting right moments after, so I told him I would make him a wizard’s hat.  The kids and I made him a fabulous wizard’s hat with rainbows, unicorns and hearts.  Maggie did most of it as Ethan and I worked on stuff.  It was so fabulous!  Wish we had taken a picture.

Chris hung out for a while as he finished getting the refurbished laptops I had purchased for the kids ready.  The old laptops they have been using are lagging so slowly it is horrific, so for a very low price I was able to get these.  We had a blast while he installed and cleaned, so many jokes and fun comments.  That guy is like a brother I never had. Seriously, he is my BFF who lives far away (the nethervalley).  Ethan made Salisbury steaks and rösti and then we all ate dinner.  Maggie played The Office clips and on the parkour clip I just about lost it I was laughing so hard – tears where running down my face and I couldn’t breathe.  Good times (last night while getting Ethan’s shoes at Big 5,  I yelled “Karpour!  Close, but not close enough).  

After Chris left, I cut out clips from magazines for collages until my back hurt (don’t ask).  I was saddened by all the white people!  I swear, the only people of color I saw where so close to white that it might have just been some people who got a little extra sun before the photo shoot.  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH COLOR (asks one of the whitest people there is)?  If I had any ideas how to do this, I would create an EVERYBODY magazine that mentioned all sorts of different issues faced by different ethnic groups as well as celebratory things about that ethnic group.  I think America has been too damn “white” for too damn long.  Later, I heard from my friend Nora who is a former teacher.  She not only has worked with kids who have learning issues but math is her specialty.  She has offered to work with Ethan and so the two of them are going to hang out with each other tomorrow.  This couldn’t come at a better time.  Cross fingers that Ethan sees the light soon!!

Pictures: Capstone revision sent in!; Marco accepted;  All my festival bands: Hipnic, High Siera, DustUp, Hangtown Halloween, others I can't recall -time to throw away; Pseudo-white Ethnic kids.

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