Friday, September 25, 2015

September 25, 2015

Today’s early rise time wasn’t because of the Boy, but because Maggie’s Quoia Café and I had a workshop on using art in therapy.  I had been looking forward to this, though after the emotion of the past few days, my heart wasn’t in it.  I hadn’t slept very well, either.  Ethan was showering when I awoke, which surprised me, but he had been asleep at nine again (so unusual). Later, when we were getting ready, I saw him get his medicine without being prompted.  He understands.   I dropped the kids off at school I headed to Folsom and made it just in time.  

Lisa Mitchell has been hailed by several therapists I know as an incredible art therapist and I found this to be true.  The workshop was filled with so many incredible methods of using art as a medium in getting to a deeper layer in an individual, and all by their own discoveries.  Art is a powerful tool which can allow the subconscious to speak, to let its voice be heard and while I do not look at myself an artist by any stretch, I am so excited about the endless possibilities this will give to me.  I hate to say this part, though…as much as I was looking forward to this day, I was so emotionally fraught that I started yawning within 5 minutes and it continued most of the day.  I did tell Lisa after lunch why I was yawning, but she hadn’t even noticed.  I had, though.  

I learned about mandala without lines, to allow the client to create their own, I learned about creating art from squiggles and how a box is a gateway to magic (and keeps desired things contained), I learned why I should cut out pictures for collages and that the art is the voice – not the client’s trauma, history or self.  The client speaks through the art.  Lunch was at Karen’s Café and I dined with an kick ass 71 year old therapist named Peg from Berkeley who I hope I am like when I am that age.  She was a hoot and a half.  We headed back down for the rest of the day and learned more…so many wonderful tings.  I signed up for her art program (along with my trauma therapy I’m doing now and I’ll be starting Nurturing Heart program as soon as I’m done with my Capstone (tomorrow, hopefully).  Not even done and I’m already heading in three different directions (though certainly not as intense as grad school).

I headed home, grabbed my art back and flew back to work for my 5 o’clock client.  Fortunately she was early, so we began and I was able o use some of what I had learned a few hours before.  I finished notes and drove home.  As I walked in to the house, I quietly asked, “Is anyone here?” and Ethan answered, “yes…” sitting there working on homework.  He had gotten an entire page done (I hope) with help from a friend.  That last part makes me a little antsy, but I’ll make sure.  He was in a lighter mood, much, much lighter…which made me happy, but….is everything right?  How is there such a drastic change from last night?  We ended up taking the dogs to the park and he enjoyed the dogs running around so joyously.  We talked, a great deal.  I am hesitant because I know this kid… life isn’t so easy-go-lucky for him…and I’m not so naive.  We headed to get shows and a few shirts and I asked if he understood why there would be a restriction placed on his iPhone.  He did, he said, so we’ll just see if it sticks.  I told him I am always here for him and to please communicate with me about trouble or confusion…don’t say “fine.”
Ethan and I are very excited about cold rainy winter nights with chili, but as that is not yet, we ended up at home with our girl, where we spent the evening watching Doctor Who.  This evening my little Tribe was itself again – not that it isn’t itself when there are challenges, but tonight hearts laughed together together.  

 Pictures: My works from the art workshop; Bad Moon Rising - such a big moon; And suddenly, he's just a kid again, MY kid,  getting size 13 running shoes for gym.

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