Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 18, 2015

Terrifically, I slept until 8:30ish.  No fan, because the air was chilly, and then birds or something chirpy work me up. I sat in bed and perfected my Power Point – I’m excited – I learned how to go in alter the computer so that the video begins right away.  It involved inserting developer, removing things like “=” and adding other fancy things I have since forgotten.  I felt very Bill Gatesy.  Time to get moving – lots of packing.  I think that, if I didn’t have books, it would cut ½- 1/3 of time.  I easily have 2,000 books and that’s after clearing about 100 out a few months ago. The yard sale stack is growing and a couple more people came by to day to pick up the Disney movies.  I have three more people left.

I went strong today and moved my former CD player in from Ethan’s room so that I could listen to CDs as I packed.  Curiosity Killed the Cat, Allison, Moyet, Cock Robin…all bands I used to listen to in CH.  It brings back a feeling of Youth, which isn’t necessarily such a good thing – because that isn’t me anymore.  There comes a point when you need to throw away the high school journals (really… I found it today).  What good does it do to go back and revisit the past?  No, we never got back together again…and that’s good, because my life has unfolded in such a beautiful way.  Had all those dreams I once had come true I wouldn’t have the glorious life I have now, packing Chaos and all….
My BFF down the hill called me – Chris da G-man.  This man is such a joy to be friends with, we kid, we joke, we tease (we even had our one and only ever disagreement today).  I think having a friend like him is important – close enough and yet no hanging out every day and calling every night (his new bride might find that irritating).  Plus, we got to talk recovery (because I have tons of recovery books, shockingly), which is always helpful at times like now, when I have created more chaos than there actually is.  Chris was right – I put things into the Universe time and time again and now Universe is taking me up on it.  A little nudge, a push here and there, and it is to get me off my ass and go.

My Joette called me…Sweet Lady.  I have become friends with so many incredible people through this music group….  I haven’t been going to many music shows lately – too much going on, and honestly, it I something I would like to share with someone.  So no time for that stuff right now, unless it’s the Hips (I’m kinda committed to them).  New music can wait.

I know it’s supposed to be room by room, but there is so much in here that needs to be sold that it’s taken up a great deal of space.  Also – the rest is mostly…books.  So I figure I’ll hit my beer glasses yet – 20+ beer stange, großes, etc. that I snagged in Europe when I lived there and will hopefully be moving them back to their natural habitat.  My client’s grandmother emailed me and let me know my appointment tomorrow doesn’t need to take place because my client thinks things are okay for now – so I have another Sunday to pack more stuff. 

Pictures: My mom's English books from when she was in elementary school - I hope the kids can use it to learn German.  ; My classic books - nothing fancy like my antiquarian books, but I love 'em; Lord Byron.."She walks in beauty, like the night, Of cloudless climes and starry skies;And all that’s best of dark and bright..."

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