I finished my trainee hours tonight at group with Jen, with
half an hour to spare, so my 280.5 face-to face hours therapy hours are
complete, along with much more than 57 supervisor hours. Now, once I get my 7 more personal hours with
my therapist, which will happen in the next few weeks with my 2 hours session
blocks, I will apply for my Intern number and I am on to the next level.
One of my kids the one I feel the most protective towards,
had some horrible stuff take place yesterday.
I am doing all I can, which may not be very much. Another client also had a world explode. Crisis session.
I found out there is no budget for me. I will not be working here much longer and
wrote up a letter of 5 more weeks, but I also contacted a friend from grad
school, who gave me a line to a possible (probably?) work place.
It’s a distance away in Sac, but for what the pay is – hell yes. Plus, it is what I know. Fingers crossed.

I went to the gym and did a bunch of MMA and 100 more
squats, plus more arm stuff. I negated
all of that by later eating nachos and my other berry tart at lunch, plus a few
candies we give to the group participants later that night (more time-warp). I hate my gut and Jake will probably never
speak to me again. My kids went to
school and were total angels this morning.
I see such a difference with Ethan. Such a difference.
Pictures: Fall, Fall....fall. I feel like I'm falling, sometimes; Then I get a new perspective - A hawk sits over me as I pass, I hear a song, I see a new view, I hear a story. I always know I'll be ok, but getting these affirmations from Universe is so helpful to me.
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