Friday, October 16, 2015

Otober 16, 2015

5 o’clock again.  This is when my brain decides that sleep is for sissies and let’s get up!  My body disagrees, but the damn brain wins.  This morning I did have stuff to do – my PowerPoint presentation for Wednesday.  I am adding in some special effects (since vagina cupcakes probably wouldn’t be appropriate and I don’t want to get sued.  With my recent luck this would happen) like sound effects and traditional German dancing.  I want to leave school in style with a presentation that will dazzle them.  And then I remember why I’m up early…that my body is reacting to stress and won’t let me relax.  I expect people to come walking in the door at any moment (which would frighten them because when my kids aren’t here, neither are the clothes).  I got a list of 8 houses to go look at it when I get time, then headed off for my client session.  I conferred first, however, with a crisis social worker who had come to the same conclusion about my client as I had.  This was terrific for me as she is the professional.  I’ll get there, I know.  Practice.

When I was a kid I used to lie in bed at night in the dim light and stare at the shapes on the walls.  I’d look at these shapes to see what they were telling me.  It wasn’t exactly Rorschach, but close enough.  I did the same with the reddish/orange patterns in our shag carpet – in the flower print on our sofa.  I looked for stories everywhere.  I still look for these stories – I look for them in birds that fly overhead, in rocks, plants, occurrences in my days.  There are carefully hidden storytellers surrounding us…

…Or sometimes, they are the clinical director who has asked you into one of the session rooms and your heart already knows what this story is.  Non-profits…not accepting only Medical, but depending on grants to give these youth some desperately needed services are often short of funding.  So.  There I have it.  When should I let my clients know, I ask.  I have a few that are in crisis and it won’t be good.  Don’t say anything yet – we have one more ace-in-the hole that we are going to try…and so my deer-in-the-headlights look, which I have carried for 10 days now, continued.  Yet with more sadness, more tightening of the jaw.  I am devastated, but to the point of what next…?  I think my tears are gone due to dehydration and I’m tired of walking around being this person living in fear.  When I’m in CH, I’ll ask during my interview with the Montessori school if/when/how soon I can start.  Might move sooner than planned.

I headed off to go to Maggie’s conference, but she didn’t know about it (despite prepping for it for the last week) and wasn’t there.  I didn’t ask L about it because honestly, I do 90% of the school stuff and I wanted to see if he’d be there, but it turns out only I got the email, so that’s why he didn’t know and subsequently didn’t have Mags at school.  I had a good talk with the teacher and then headed back to work, where…once again I was asked to go speak with the clinical director and…they can offer me a 20/hour work week for now, I’ll get more hours when the lady who was hired to cover maternity-leave (and is also pregnant) goes out for hers.  50 pounds off of my back.  Now only a home to worry about, but this is much better.

Met with my client and parent for a family session and then headed out.  I thought I would treat myself to some sashimi which I discovered 2 weeks ago with Delfos and Franchesca in Davis.  As much as I love this sushi bar – the sashimi was NOT as tasty and thus, I offer a word of advice:  when you have had 10 straight days of nerves and butterflies, tears, and sobs, do not order the sashimi.  Home and into bed.  I’m exhausted and I have a house to pack up. 

Pictures:  This folder - I'm an employee now (or soon will be) rather than simply a volunteer; Apple Hill.  I came up here looking for homes; A gorgeous night sky; Shili Sushi Restaurant: sashimi.

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