Saturday, February 6, 2016

February 6, 2016

There is something magical about Saturday mornings….  I have the whole day ahead of me to accomplish as much or as little as I wish.  I like that.  I got a call from Brian this late morning.  I was asked to perform their wedding ceremony in late May.  I am honored.  We talked and decided Monday will be  a good day as I am at Hipnic that weekend and have already purchased tickets.  A win/win.  

The plan today was to listen to music and clean.  Universe knew the plan, too, because suddenly there was ferocious barking due to a package staring in the front door: my Mother Hips record has arrived – Chronicle Man, one of my favorite.  Also got my Bernie2016 stickers that Tim created.  I decided to give them to anyone who wants one.  I'll buy more - any money raised goes to the Bernie fund, so another win/win.  I'm winning all over the damn place today.

The laundry, the kitchen, the dishes, the vacuuming, the sweeping, the mopping.  The singing, the 80's hairband/metal videos, the reminiscing, the re-falling-in-loving, the winning.  So much accomplished today.

A goal has been to add more protein to my diet.  This is tough to do.  All day, I calculated and looked up protein numbers, as well as finding recipes which would increase the intake.  By day’s end, I managed 163 grams of protein and I already have my 53 g/protein pancakes ready to pop in the microwave tomorrow.  These 30 grad lbs gotsta go.  

I began applying for my Austrian/EU passport renewal and will make plans for the kids and I to head to San Francisco to get Swiss passports during Spring Break.I also contacted the man who is planning on moving to Zurich in the summer with his family (he lives in the Bay Area) and we will meet.  July is only 6 months away.  Time keeps on slipping….

 Pictures: Austrian application - those Austrians want to know the level of your education first.  Interesting; Hipping heaven; Bernie heaven; evening Wicked Tree.

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