Sunday, February 7, 2016

February 7, 2016

I had a horrible, horrible dream that I went to Hipnic and didn't realize until I got to Big Sur that I had driven my Mazda - didn't drive the Bus.  I also didn't have a tent or sleeping bag and was trying to figure out how to convert what I had into usable sleeping gear when I awoke.  Technically, this morning was my Saturday The Second.  I later found out that the kids would be staying at their father’s house, so I can sleep in if I want to tomorrow morning.  I was really excited about this morning’s pancakes and had plans of adding pineappls marmalade from Costa Rica – they were so dry yesterday – and the result was magnificent.  __ grams of protein within 30 minutes of awakening.  

I had three plans today:  hike, gym and grocery shopping during the Super Bowl, but first I wanted to gather more papers for the Austrian passport.  I was angry with myself that I hadn’t taken better notes through all the work I did for the Swiss renewal and will have to go back and find addresses and departments.  

The dogs and I headed out and headed to Folsom Lake.  The water was back – much higher than the last time we had been – we had walked around the ruins of the town which was flooded when the lake was created in the 50s.  Now, water cut off many paths which had been there before, which was so nice to see.  I saw quite a few dogs, running after toys their owners threw in the lake.  Later, I threw a stick in the water and after quite a bit of coaxing, Mabi swam for it.  The switch was flipped and my water-fearful dog was gleefully jumping into the water to get her stick.  Annie, our water dog, did not.

Once we got home, I needed to back the Bus out so she’d be ready for tomorrow’s shop visit, but, even though she turned, she wouldn’t start.  The more I tried, the weaker the battery got.  My neighbor came over and offered her battery charger, but the last time I did that, there were sparks and the metal melted, so I wasn’t looking forward to it.  I tried a few more times (she used to need a little practice), but nothing and it was time to get to the gym.  I did some warm-ups and then started squats on the BOSU ball, and weights.  By the time I was finished, my arms were jelly – a feeling I’ve missed.

Headed to the store to get high-protein foods.  I have been gathering various combinations and reading up  - I need to double my protein intake (done) and start weights (done).  Maybe here I will see a difference.  Once I got home, I made the most delicious bacon/brie burger on an Ezekiel English muffin.  41 grams of protein.  Yum.  A fire going and some Supernatural…life is good.  

Pictures: 3 Nature shots from Folsom; Lizzie has a cold and won't start; Now that the Super Bowl is over - GIANTS!!

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