Monday, February 8, 2016

February 8, 2016

Seems the Boy is ill again.  Just the thought of that makes me nervous as I’ve heard some horrific stories about this stomach bug.  Rather than try to sleep in, I got up and enjoyed another breakfast with coffee.  The trick is the pineapple marmalade (almost out) and the fact that I can make them the night before then just pop it in the microwave.  I am not a get up and make-eggs- kinda person, not until I’m “up”.

Getting Lizzie started was the big plane today.  I had one shot to get a ride back home and I didn’t want to wait another week.  Initially she caught, but then remembered quickly that she wasn’t feeling well and so the whirring of the engine began. WHIR-WHir-Whir-whir….  A little less each time I turned the key.  I threw on some clothes (Giants gear!! It’s an even year!) and headed to the local auto shop to buy some starting fluid.  I also picked up The Boy who looked like the walking dead.   Jeff was more than helpful with me and talked me through, but then…it didn’t help.  So I ran across the street to borrow Diane’s battery charger again (I looked up and down and can’t find mine).  Memories of sparks came back easily as I attached positive to positive…and because of the extensive zoo of cables, smoke began drifting up as on them was too close to the cable.  I moved things around and then tried to get the negative cable on, but it was absolutely impossible for me to wrangle my hand behind everything.  These pancake engines take a special kind of maneuvering….  I tried one more time, and it worked.  After moving everything out of the way, I threw her in reverse and backed up my very steep driveway.  Somehow I managed to stop a foot before I hit the rock wall and adjusted my direction.  I think I could drive her in San Francisco!
Jen met me at the mechanics and then dropped me off at home before heading to her physical therapy.  She is a rock star, that Jen.  So grateful I met her in the park almost a decade ago.  Jen helps me realize that there is still magic to be found.  I have lost sight of that in the last years and now that I must begin to seek the Magic once again.

I picked Mags up after exchanging the envelopes for larger ones and dropping the VW horn off at the mechanic.  I had left something on her bed for her as a way of thanking her for standing up against peers because it was the right thing to do.   Doing something like that – especially in junior high, it takes a hell of a lot of courage and I am so proud of her.  I got busy cooking dinner and then we all watched An Act of Valor together.  The kids weren’t very thrilled about the cauliflower mash, but I thought it was delicious.  Damn.  

I had a talk with The Boy about his behavior (the cyber-bullying and how he interacted with an adult).  I didn’t yell at him, like my mom used to do….  I can’t do that.  I spoke with him calmly and quietly.  I don’t know about you, but that scares me even more than the yelling.  He explained what had gone on, but that doesn’t matter to me.  I have my expectations of how he should carry himself – especially in social media.  This stuff follows you everywhere. 

Pictures:  Studying up again; The Wall: Happy driving!; My Mags.

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