After I got back, I started house-hunting. It’s a bit
worrisome, considering that I’ve been looking for a few weeks, there aren’t new
listings popping up. This could cause
troubles. The site I signed for after
talking to Josh Friday night showed me one I hadn’t seen on the webpage, so I
called. It was nearby, so I left to go
look at it – it was…almost perfect.
Well, location wise, yes – it’s in a nearby valley, there’s a lovely
tree in the back. I hugged the tree. I
talked to it. I
also ate some cherry
tomatoes which had been forgotten. I’ll cross
fingers and tour it tomorrow.. I dropped by The Bookery to sell back my 54 philosophy books and many others. It hurts my heart, but.... At home I called about another house, but they
told me I was $432 short of making three times as much income to qualify. I said thanks and hung up – didn’t even think
about child support, so I’ll call them back tomorrow. It’s good to get on as many lists as possible. It wasn’t long before it was time to head off
to school. Scratch that, personal
therapy (it’s near my school). As I
drove I listened to the Ted Talks Radio Hour and the topic was… OpenSource,
which I appreciate very much. It’s the sharing
of ideas and helping one another – it is the collective instead of the individual. I think about before the Internet and what Life Was Like – we went to a library, we looked in Encyclopedias or books for
information, we talked to librarians. Now, we go to our
laptops. I miss the Dewey Decimal System
and writing out reports by hand. The
sense of accomplishment seemed different because it was more time-consuming to
gather facts. Now it is done with the touch
of a hand. It's good, of course, but it's also helped quell our collectivism - we can now do it all ourselves. This part I don't like so much.

Headed home and the single plume of smoke I'd seen became
two and one was massive - I checked on scanner-nothing - but an odd audio interference. I checked Yubanet
once I got home nothing there, either. I
kept looking and saw it was a prescribed burn. I guess The Powers That Be are fairly confident we will have rain Wednesday.
Packed up the bus a bit after talking to a neighbor. She saw the sign, the packing. It'll be so sad leaving this neighborhood:
Brent, Sandy, Terry, Stephanie, Steve, Carol, Bill and Judy. What an incredible group of people. Lizzie and I headed back to
storage. My heart has been heavy since
getting home earlier and I'm not sure why.
Such a sorrow within, I feel as if I've been weeping all day. Being in Lizzie cheered me up, though. This bus
is a friend to me, which is really weird.
One drop off to storage and then I needed peanut butter, so to the store
I went…and there they were: cranberries. My world just exploded (I had written to Jake
earlier today asking if he had divorced me since I wasn’t there but I was
packing up/moving my whole house so did that count as weights?) He had responded as I was entering the store, assuring me all was good and yes, moving a house solo counts as weights. Universe has a wicked sense of humor. **This is the severity of my love life** When
I posted a picture of the cranberries and wrote “it happened” a friend 2,000
miles away thought I meant sex. I
responded no…that (my chance for sex)
was hit by an asteroid, the Sun was blocked, and it (my chance) had died. Silver lining: I really don’t even need to
shave my legs in the summer.
I bought all
the necessities for CC and some scented candles. Dessert and candles: My world really has exploded. At home, I easily and effortlessly made the cranberry crunch
then soaked in the tub for a bit. My
back is hurting a lot. I really am
foolish in moving these boxes alone yet I’m
not sure I’ll ever learn.
Cranberry Crunch
Preheat oven to 375. In a bowl, combine half a bag of cranberries, a full container of sweetened condensed milk, and lemon zest from a whole lemon.
In a large bowl, combine 3/4 cup butter with 1 1/2 cups biscuit mix (I use BisQuick but they all work - one day I'll figure out how to make it from homemade ingredients), and stir until mostly mixed. Then add cranberry mixture and spread into a buttered 9 x 9 inch baking pan.
In a smaller bowl, combine the other 1/2 cup biscuit mix, 1/2 cup brown sugar and 2 tablespoons butter and sprinkle over cranberry crunch. *Trick - I add more butter and more brown sugar because it's just good, common sense.
Add walnuts if you so desire (FYI: these put the "crunch" in Cranberry Crunch, yet also keeps Maggie from eating it, a win/win)
Bake 70 minutes (though I take it out after an hour due to our oven, so know your oven!).
Sauce: in a sauce pan, combine 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tblsp cornstarch, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp nutmeg and add cold 1/2 cup water. Add the remaining half of cranberries. Cook it over medium low heat until it thickens and cranberries are exploding in gleeful joy, then pour over the baked goodness of Fall.
If sharing this recipe doesn't help me lose weight, I'll be really angry.
If sharing this recipe doesn't help me lose weight, I'll be really angry.
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