I have moved my blog to tribeoftrio.com, a WordPress site. I had too many difficulties with Blogger and couldn't resolve them. I am slowly learning how to manuever around WordPress, there isn't a lot of time, but I'll get there eventually. Please feel free to visit my new site!
Thank you,
Tribe of Trio
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 9, 2016
May 9, 2016
Despite best intentions, sometimes things just don't go the way we wish. After a few months of "success"(?), this morning I began taking my SSRI again. No depression this time, yet anxiety isn't any better. "It
feels like an extreme version of being in love without being in love"
is the way I described it to someone, except instead of butterflies in
my tummy I got visions of my kids and I being killed in a car accident
just about every time I got in a car. That's no way to live.
When it rains, it pours (my favorite quote from a salt company). There was a little feeling during yoga, but I ignored it. A
few hours later, though, while sitting with a client it became evident
that I was NOT at all well, and so, I cancelled sessions and headed
home. Pepto Bismal helped my poor stomach feel calmer.
Literal down time gave me time to compose a wedding ceremony for June 23. For 87 more days, I'm an official wedding-er.
I'm sad to miss the Bernie event, but just getting to Maggie's track practice for pick-up is bad enough (and its 10 minutes away from home).
Home where we tried to finish watching "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World". I say tried because we had 23 minutes to complete when the 24 hour rental-time ran out. I also recognized my illness-I got The Food Poisoning. I had this years ago when L & I went to some fancy Folsom place. This time I only have myself to blame. Damn Whole30 egg muffins.
Pictures: Meds ready & waiting; composing the wedding script per El Dorado County regulations; My view of Buddha as I hide in my duvet with a heating pad on my tummy; One of Maggie's gifts to me yesterday.

I'm sad to miss the Bernie event, but just getting to Maggie's track practice for pick-up is bad enough (and its 10 minutes away from home).

Pictures: Meds ready & waiting; composing the wedding script per El Dorado County regulations; My view of Buddha as I hide in my duvet with a heating pad on my tummy; One of Maggie's gifts to me yesterday.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
May 8, 2016

We managed to get dressed around two and headed out in
Lizzie to the park with the dogs, where we played for a good hour the dogs. My sister called and we spoke for a half
hour. I am so torn – I miss
her so much! Since about age 17, I haven’t
had a close relationship with my family and even after my father’s death, it
took a couple of years, but we are now so close and I cherish that relationship
so. I want to be that crazy aunt to her
kids like Tanti was to me. As we were
leaving the park, the Maggie asked me how many more days on this Whole30 and I
told her. “Maybe that's why you cried
this morning...because you miss Mexican food.
It just had deeper meaning than you realized.” That girl may be on to something.

And so – my anxiety.
I realize the timing of this is may very well be related to stopping my
SSRI (which I took for depression which began shortly after my TBI). The
extreme anxiety I experienced yesterday at the fest has been occurring at just
about every music show I’ve gone to.
Despite what those who know me well may think, it is terrifying for me
to be alone at shows, but I go anyway, because eventually I see someone I know or
the music starts and I float away. I’m going to state that as much as I love
being alone, I HATE being alone and I worry I am pushing myself into further
isolation. Like an idiot, I bought another ticket this
morning to an event – despite the fact that I don’t fit in. This exposure therapy isn’t really working, yet
I keep doing it, despite. I want to thank those people who helped me yesterday
at the fest and Andrea this morning – you mean the extra more world to me. It has
been three days short of two months since I stopped my 5-a-Day (don’t think I
haven’t noticed that timing with my
stress, as well), and I have missed it. Happy
Day to all women out there, because
whether we’ve birthed a child or not, the majority of us mother in some form or
Pictures: Our Mother's Day shot...and the practice-makes-perfect shots.
Pictures: Our Mother's Day shot...and the practice-makes-perfect shots.
Friday, March 11, 2016
March 11, 1016
Glided into work, feeling good. There are FEW plans for this weekend, which I
like. Lots of calls and sessions. I like the supervisor. He’s a funny guy.
Once home, I threw an Amy’s pizza in the oven and concocted
my cranberry magic (just a little piece).
One second thought, I shouldn’t have thrown that butter in the mix – it had garlic in it, which I discovered
when I ate the CC.
Gathering items for Hipnic.
My 4 days of heaven– more like 3 this time because of Brian and Lindsay’s
wedding that Monday, but that’ll be nice, too.
Pictures: A boot day; I need a bigger bus; Reading The Body Keeps The Sccore, by Bessel Van Der Kolk. VERY interesting on trauma and teh brain.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
March 10, 2016

I headed home, exhausted.
It was a long 10 hour day, but I had this thought of sushi in my
mind. I went to my place – and got to
listen to men talk about shooting elephants and women talking about make-up –
one topic so disturbing and the other topic so vapid.
Home where I spoke with a real estate agent who was recommended
to me by J-Berr, my gangsta colleague.
Wheels are rolling.
Pictures: One of the most stunning sights I've seen of Wicked Tree this morning - so breathtaking; I can't wear these in here...; This makes me think of my "grown up" Ethan.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
March 9, 2016
This morning was a CRB morning with some “Burn Slow” because
holy hell my heart is hurting. I wanted SO BADLY to give my kids this incredible
perspective of Europe – of seeing life differently than is this blinder-led
life of frickin’ El Dorado-Hickville-County (is it obvious I am nota fan?). 5
more years in this place and I’m out.
Shit…5 more years…
Client didn’t show, so I called mom to check in, checked in
with parents of other clients – all sorts of grown-up responsible stuff. I think today is an extension of yesterday’s grownupness.
A colleague then uttered a sentence which threw everything into “WOW”ness: "I
can't put down a V code under Axis I as a primary, can I?" That’s a damn
fine sentence, colleague. Thank you.
Rush to juvie for a LONG meeting, rush back to NM for a new client assessment, and then…
Home. Where my
beloved son made baked chicken for me.
No sides (he said I didn’t have anything..guess that white brain-looking
hunk of something was playing hid & seek again), but that’s ok, as I didn’t
have time to eat my spinach leaves at work, so I had that. Sold my Hips ticket to a friend to prepare
for my big SF night out with my girl. It’s
all good.
Picture: Again - no pics today, so here is last night's fun: creating VW bus stickers. Jesus is pronounced in teh Spanish form as I have a love affair with Mexican food. Hell, yes.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016

Busy day today – oh my….
Site work, which notified me of an IEP on Monday. I think my Mondays’ off are no more – I’m
throwing myself into this to emerge myself as much as I can.
A tele-psych session with a long-ago classmate who struggles
with many issues. Suddenly this grown-up
lady who knew what she was talking about emerged from my mouth. Like I told Trish at the school site – “I’m
doing all sorts of grown-up things today….”
A quick pick up and drop off so I could meet my late clients
at work. I’m thinking I need to add a
bit of fun in there for the young one.
At home I sat with the boy (the girl was busy and didn’t
come out to greet me for 3 hours). We
looked at various houses for sale. I’m
wondering about foreclosure homes or a fixer-upper with is now bank-owned. I’ve never bought a home before. Holy shit, so much grown-upness in one day.
Picture: I took none today -this was a screen shot of what Ethan is looking for (birthday is coming up) which I texted to L, which Ethan saw. I have lost my sneaky abilities.
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