Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 30, 2014

By the time the kids were up, I was high from Led Zeppelining.  Or perhaps it was the fact that I fit
into my Eddie Bauer pants, which were snug in parts (for me... I’m not a fan of amorous pants who try to get "there", even in my situation), but there was no dromedary action, so why not? 

Until I got to school, after dropping kids off.  Sitting in snug pants and standing in them are two entirely separate things, and my regions are not accustomed to pressure of any kind, yet still, it was a monumental occasion, so I was going to make it work.  Until I ripped the pocket area while trying to stretch out the cotton....at school...where I have no “emergency clothes” stored.  Still, it wasn’t a huge rip, and my shirt was long enough to easily cover it.  The day was a poke-yourself-in-the-eye-with-a-sharp-pencil day all the way around, though.  Let’s just leave it at that.

Picked up Ethan first at 4:30 and It Started.  I’m not even really sure what happened other than before I knew it, he was “Gawd, all you ever do is focus on my bad stuff – you never focus on the good stuff!” (?!?!?!) and off he stomps outside with tears in his eyes.  HUH????  I spent time talking with Tatjana, who gave me suggestions (“My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father.  Prepare to die.”) and then she came outside with me and talked with Ethan (who was sitting on a bench) for half an hour!!!  She worked with him, asking all the right things, in the right way, in a way I just can’t with him.    I wish I could have filmed it for future similar incidents (as I have a strong feeling this will not be the only such occurence).    Ethan was very angry, feeling very miserable and in a very NOT-HAPPY-WITH-SELF-OR-ANYONE-ELSE state of mind, yet she satyued.  And spoke gently with him.  He felt (feels) stupid, incapable and just.plain.bad.  It’s tough when you don’t understand it and then have everyone on your back.  Poor guy has an IEP coming up, too, but it truly is in his best interest and I PRAY things ease up for him, that he realizes how incredibly bright he is, that he is a deep thinker and goes to levels others his age don't.  My Indigo child.

We worked on homework for quite sometime.  I organized his school work (which I do all day, anyway), I worked with him getting answers down.  It was much less painful than I expected. Regarding his history,  I even was able to show him the church in Zurich I visited which has the original statue of Charlemagne in the crypt ( I have the booklets from Zurich).  But then I got homesick that we weren’t there and couldn’t go see it live.  Sent Ethan to go read Agatha Christie’s “Three Blind Mice” (he fell asleep on page 6) and was requested to read Harry Potter to Maggie.  So now I have an 8 page paper to write this weekend, but I am concerned as I have a boy who needs serious one-on-one.  Then I got a call from his dad...ooooohhhhhhhh, myyyyyyyyyyy.  :-/

Looking like Hardly Strictly Bluegrass <Luukkkaaassss!!!>
is indeed a wash this year – volleyball tourney and massive homework.  I’ll be luck to make it to ML Saturday night for another kid who needs a little support, but I’ll try.  Thank gawd I’m energized with all that damn salad.  <really wanting some LB nachos right now>  I'm ready for a rainy, drizzly October and I 'd also like to visit South America.

Pictures: Drunk gnomes in the front yard; Another flight of stairs successfully descended; Homework

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