Friday, August 28, 2015

August 28, 2015

Couldn’t sleep at all last night – I was up until <no lie> 4 a.m.  I had a dream, I remembered.  This one was about a man.  I also had a dream the night before about my ex-husband.  I liked last night’s dream much better (no…nothing happened, it was just a nice dream).  I checked my throat this morning..first time in 2 weeks and saw lumps ’n bumps ‘n little white thingies, so, knowing the drill, I got on the phone right away to the doctor and made an appointment.  I arrived 45 minutes early to make sure I wouldn’t miss it.  To keep myself occupied, I brought my narrative therapy textbook and read.  I had read a lot of it last night, as well.  I was seen and got the Rx for antibiotics, as well as suggestions for more natural remedies.  

As I drove from the health food store, my jaw DROPPED.  Let us not discuss the whos-whats-or-whys, but suddenly noticed I had a HOLE the size of ATLANTA in my pants’s NETHER-REGION.   Fortunately, I was brought up to be a lady and swimming made my thighs ultra-grando, but if I had thigh-gap, this hole would have shared my womanliness with anyone who happened to look.  I headed to the pharmacy and, walking in very carefully, I got my Rx.  <FYI - 5 cars waiting in the drive-thru, but I walked right in, not waiting moment, take that, carbon footprint.>  

It is here where I would like to say that I am grateful.  There have been some hellish moments in my years.  Moments where I thought I was drowning in my own life and it was the grace of a power not my own that got me out of it.  Sometimes, in those Darkest of Hours, it is about breathing and getting through each moment.  There are Lessons in everything, in all our actions, in all our reactions.  

Got my kids at school after their field trip – of course Maggie’s gear was in the “late” car that wouldn’t be there for another hour, but I couldn’t wait.  We headed home.  The kids were both worn out, but had a date with dad and their grandmother for her birthday that evening.  The GF would be there, so gratefully I was able to bow out due to strep.  The picture shifts and I don’t like to hang on to it just because of how it “used to be.”

I went to bed and started on practicum case study 2.  One more and I’ll start the capstone paper – the big daddy.  I like sitting on my bed with my laptop and textbooks all around, reading up on symptoms and solutions, traumas and treatments.  An old classmate from Switzerland who is on the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force contacted me about the scene in CH with her input and she is so dead on:  issues here are not necessarily issues there due to built-in safety nets.  At any rate, I have things to work on...a commune for therapists, if nothing else.

 Pictures:  It seems all I did today was photograph the medicines I am ingesting, so I closed my eyes and pointed: here is what Universe chose;  Taxi ride with my tribe in Costa Rica; My babes on the beach..pondering; a very appropriate cartoon - people are here to support; Make a wish...CH, one day I'll be there.

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