Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 24, 2016

Yoga – Day Three – the restart continues.  Despite waking up at 4:07, I stayed in bed “sleeping” until the alarm rang at 5:30.  After a bit I did my yoga and some arm weights.  This morning's selection was L.A. Guns, by the way – in case you wondered.

It was difficult this morning – taking my client on a journey away from the easy topics to topics which need to be addressed.  It’s hard for all of us, I get that.

The group supervision was smaller today – some of us have left the agency, some of us are in Paris, some of us are not here for different reason.  Personally, I would use the Paris reason.  I sat there with my computer page on a couple of different things – one on a sex therapist page as this is (still) the topic I am interested in specializing in.  I feel I am gentle and easy to talk to and, as sexuality is a major building block of us, of our self-esteem, of how we carry ourselves, or how we contribute (or don’t) in relationship, I would like to be able to assist people who so often  experience sexuality issues but have difficulty talking to someone.  I hope that in meeting me for an initial session, many will feel I am non-judgmental and easy to talk to.  So – that was one computer page.  The other was Prince, for his Oakland show on Sunday.  Credit card was ready, and I jumped on it at noon – but no luck – it sold out in minutes (HOW does that happen?  And HOW does that ONE guy I know ALWAYS get tickets??).  Oh-kay, well – I guess 2 Hips shows this weekend will have to be enough (smile).

Juvenile hall and then – I pulled up to my kids’ school and waited.  As I waited, I spoke to my financial dude about the logic in purchasing a home since Europe is sadly not going to be in the picture and he agreed that if I plan to be here at least 4 (5?) years, buying a home makes sense.  I am not going to quit trying for Europe, but that interview - she made a lot of sense...and I worry about the kids' education. And so... I have some money for a down payment, but was amazed at how little a difference it seemed to make between insurance, property taxes, and all sorts of other red tape.  This state and its bureaucracy….  It seems I forgot that the kid’s grandmother picks them up on Wednesday, so there we both sat, a few cars away from each other, waiting, until the kids were released.  My son kindly reminded me that today grandmother picks them up.  Ha and oops.
I went home and looked at houses.  I have 9 month left in this lease, so I can look at least.  The kids and I hung out in the evening…I love being with them.  I have to find time to add about 5 more clients to my schedule since I’m not doing the parent group as of last Thursday.  You know – I’m ok with that.  I like being busy – not sure where I’ll put the clients, but I am finding that I am slowly, somewhat cautiously beginning to trust in who I am and a lot of that is because of the feedback I get from my dear colleagues.  Boundaries: I’m beginning to learn how to set them.  

Pictures: Mags as Cookie Monster

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