Thursday, February 25, 2016

February 25, 2016

Day what are we at?  Four?  It's the end of February.    The fact that it was 73F, the Sierras were hiding behind some suspiciously smog-like haze and my beach body is nowhere to be found may have something to do with it.

Juvenile hall.

I had a list of things to do, yet due to a sudden exhaustion that hit me on the way out, I skipped the gym. I wanted to grab some crickets for Violet and as I headed to my car, crickets in hand, I was stopped by someone I knew. We have Some Things in common and the conversation eventually veered to this as there are also young children involved in her life.  I shared about my honest approach with my kids about what alcohol does to me, being transparent from the get-go: this is what I've done, this is where it got me, this is what I am doing as a living amends.  I heard some words I haven't heard in quite a while: God put you here today for a reason, as she thanked me and drove away.  That really touched my heart.

 I would be DDing a friend from her home in Cupertino to the show and thus I wanted a lovely car to present, so car wash was stop one. As they  washed, I grabbed my bags and walked to the grocery store. In there, I overheard a very handsome young black man explain to someone what to buy.  "You're teaching them the correct foods to eat, aren't you?" I asked and when he responded affirmatively I high-fived him and asked, "Where have you been all my life?" and then walked away with a smile.  I mean - seriously, add 15 years and where the hell has he been all my life??    "Miss?"  I heard behind me and as  turned, saw him walked towards me.  We talked for a while; he works at the gym I belong to but not they two locations I frequent, but still - very doable.  He promised up and down the results I could expect and the thing is - I KNOW this to be true because I have experienced - it is eating the right foods, which is 80% of the battle.  Jake can help me out on the exercise part.  As I left the store, I ran across a mom I know from many years ago - her niece is now Maggie's BFF (or BFFN:  Best Friend For Now).  The fact that I remembered her sons' name blew me away.

My car was beautiful and the dinner was ok.  I have scraped my cornea again somehow (Twice in 3 months??).  My poor body.  I really need to start caring better for this girl.  I hope to be 1/5 of the way into a pattern of self-care with yoga.  The music self-care part starts tomorrow night.

Pictures:  Two of the trees in my backyard - one so impatient the blossoms are already old news as the leaves emerge and the other barely beginning to show buds.  Extreme opposites.

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